Frame of Mind

frame of mind

/ˌfrām əv ˈmīnd/

phrase of frame

  1. a particular mood that influences one's attitude or behavior.

    "he was in a relaxed frame of mind"

When I was in the hospital, we learned a lot about reframing. Taking an idea in your head and changing your outlook to be productive, positive, and progressive. I guess when you’re stuck in a pattern of self deprecation it’s necessary to reform bonds with your thoughts so you can actually facilitate some kind of change. It’s kind of like how you can create new neural pathways in movement and create postural change with habit and repetition. But reframing is like an exercise of the mind, so it takes a lot of forethought and preparation.

We’ve had some really stressful occurrences over the last few weeks and reframing came in handy when things weren’t looking possible. Like the strawberry harvest for example; we oscillate between paid labor and picking ourselves. Jason and I both work full time jobs in addition to farming so balance and creating family time has been really challenging for us in the last few weeks. The strawberry demand is high this year though and we were absolutely blessed with a fruitful season. When you are harvesting, you have to let go of a lot. It’s not like the weeding protocols where the meticulous hand is appreciated and rewarded. Picking requires speed and control. It requires focus and ingenuity because it takes a lot to gather undamaged soft berries. But when you’re out there picking, your mind can wander and quickly be overwhelmed by the chaos of the plants! You have to constantly reframe the bigger picture into small manageable pieces that are digestible by your efforts. We always proclaim when we find really beautiful berries and have small celebrations of the bounty of berries we have grown.


Anxiety & Anemones Part 2


Farm Alchemy